What is ThoughtSpot Sage?

 ThoughtSpot Sage


ThoughtSpot Sage: AI-Powered Analytics with GPT-4


1. What isThoughtSpot Sage? ThoughtSpot Sage is an AI-powered search experience that leverages GPT-3, GPT-3.5T, and GPT-4, integrating large language models (LLMs) from Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service to provide natural language search and generative AI capabilities.


2. What are the functionalities of ThoughtSpot Sage? 

AI-Powered Search:

   Utilizes GPT-3, GPT-3.5T, and GPT-4 to enable natural language search and generative AI capabilities.

   Translates natural language queries into relational searches to provide accurate, AI-generated answers from complex data.

Enhanced Search Experience:

   Reduces the skill and effort required to create insights in ThoughtSpot, providing accurate, AI-generated answers from complex data.

   Offers a high-level overview of how ThoughtSpot Sage takes a natural language question and provides an AI-generated answer.

AI-Generated Insights:

   Provides personalized and trusted insights from data, allowing users to uncover relevant information and take action based on the generated insights.

   Offers the ability to provide feedback to fine-tune the quality and relevance of the AI-generated insights.

Guardrails and Data Enrichment:

   Includes guardrails for analysts to make insights more valuable and trusted for business users.

  Allows analysts to curate data enrichment and provide input on AI-generated insights to improve the quality of results.

Pricing and Plans:

   ThoughtSpot Sage is available in a 30-day free trial, providing the opportunity to experience the value of AI-Powered Analytics

   ThoughtSpot offers various pricing plans, including Team, Essentials, Pro, and Enterprise editions, with different features and capabilities tailored to the needs of different user groups

3. How much doesThoughtSpot Sage cost?

ThoughtSpot Team Edition: Available at a flat $95 monthly subscription ThoughtSpot Essentials Edition: Available for a fixed annual subscription of $15,000 per year Other product editions are based on a consumption-based pricing model, allowing users to purchase a ThoughtSpot subscription based on their usage of the product


4. Most Frequently Asked Questions about ThoughtSpot Sage


What is ThoughtSpot used for?

Answer: ThoughtSpot is a search & AI-driven analytics platform that provides granular insights from vast data. It offers AI-powered search and intuitive dashboards for self-service analytics.


What is the overview of ThoughtSpot?

Answer: ThoughtSpot allows users to view and analyze data through a search-based user interface, enabling quick and easy searches by typing into a search bar.


What is unique about ThoughtSpot?

Answer: ThoughtSpot enables every user to engage with live data in any popular cloud data platform, facilitating the creation and interaction with granular, hyper-personalized, and actionable insights.


What are the strengths of ThoughtSpot?

Answer: ThoughtSpot offers self-service analytics through natural language querying, intuitive dashboards, and mobile support, making data accessible anywhere.


Why choose ThoughtSpot?

Answer: ThoughtSpot is an exceptional product that enables insight discovery and curation, introducing freedom and flexibility to data exploration.


Does ThoughtSpot store data?

Answer: ThoughtSpot securely stores consumption data in a dedicated Amazon S3 bucket, which is then uploaded to a searchable data store in Snowflake.


How is Tableau compared to ThoughtSpot?

Description: Tableau Software has a larger market share compared to ThoughtSpot in the analytics market.

What is the download limit for ThoughtSpot?

Answer: ThoughtSpot limits the maximum number of rows that can be downloaded to 10M, with the default set at 1M.


Where can I find the version of ThoughtSpot I’m using?

Answer: Users can find the version of ThoughtSpot they are using by selecting the information center icon and navigating to the "About" section.


Why am I not seeing certain columns/values in the dropdown?

Description: This issue may occur if the index has not been built with the latest data or if the column's index type and priority settings need to be adjusted.


ThoughtSpot Sage is an AI-powered search experience that combines the power of GPT's natural language processing and generative AI to provide accurate, personalized, and trusted insights from complex data. The platform offers various pricing plans and a 30-day free trial, allowing users to explore the value of AI-Powered Analytics.


For real business applications, the requirements extend beyond mere data analysis and visualization. In most cases, there is a need to extract insights from vast documents, such as annual reports, past projects, company procedures, and guidelines. Additionally, generating and visualizing ideas is crucial in a business context. These tasks become much more practical when accessible from a single platform.

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