Expert-Curated Prompts and Sample Questions for AI Assistants

  • Prompt Engineering Basics
  • Business strategy prompts
  • Marketing strategies prompts
  • Marketing copywriting prompts
  • Logo creation prompts
  • Animal art prompts
  • Nature art prompts
  • Human art prompts
  • Sample questions for AI Assistants

Prompt Engineering Basics

What is Prompt Engineering: Prompt engineering is a practice involving the strategic formulation of prompts to effectively communicate with and guide artificial intelligence (AI) systems, particularly those based on language models like GPT-3 or GPT-4. It's an essential skill for maximizing the potential and accuracy of AI responses. The process is similar to asking a question or giving a command in a way that is most likely to yield the desired result.

What it entails

a) Understanding AI Language Models

AI language models, like GPT-3/4, are trained on vast datasets of text.

They generate responses based on patterns learned from this data.

The model's understanding is limited to the context and structure of the input it receives, i.e., the prompt.

b) The Art of Prompt Engineering

  • Clarity and Specificity: The prompt should clearly and specifically convey the intended question or task. Vague or ambiguous prompts often lead to vague or off-target responses.
  • Contextual Information: Including relevant context within the prompt can significantly enhance the accuracy and relevance of the AI's response.
  • Command Structure: Structuring the prompt in a way that directly addresses the desired output type (e.g., a question, a command, a request for a summary) helps guide the AI's response.
  • Iterative Refinement: Often, the first prompt might not yield the perfect result. Prompt engineering involves refining and tweaking the prompt based on the AI's responses to get closer to the desired outcome.
  • Ethical and Responsible Use: Ensuring prompts are formulated in a way that promotes ethical and responsible AI use, avoiding biases, and respecting privacy and content guidelines.

How it Works in Practice

  • Use Case Identification: First, identify what you need from the AI (e.g., writing assistance, coding help, information retrieval).
  • Prompt Formulation: Based on the use case, craft a prompt that is direct, clear, and contains necessary details.
  • Testing and Refinement: Test the prompt, analyze the AI's response, and refine the prompt for better accuracy and relevance.

Prompt engineering is not just about asking the right question; it's about communicating in a language the AI understands best, to extract the most accurate, relevant, and useful information or output.

Here is an example

Prompt composition:

Role: Defines the ChatGPT model's assumed identity or function, setting the tone and expertise level for its responses.

  • Result: The specific outcome or information the user wants from the interaction, guiding ChatGPT to relevant responses.
  • Intent: The user's purpose or goal, helping ChatGPT understand and meet the user's needs.
  • Context: Relevant background or situational details, enabling ChatGPT to provide appropriate and situation-specific responses.
  • Constraint: Conditions or limitations on the model's responses to meet specific requirements or avoid certain content.

Refine the Example for Consistency and Clarity:

  • Original Prompt: "Give me some C# coding tips" (Lacks detail and context)
  • Improved Prompt: "As a senior software engineer, I'm seeking advice to enhance my C# coding skills, especially for a large-scale data processing project. Key focuses are readability and efficiency. Could you provide specific tips to improve code performance while maintaining clarity for team collaboration?"

Breakdown Explanation:

  • Role: Senior software engineer
  • Result: Advice on improving C# coding practices
  • Intent: Seeking specific, actionable tips for better code efficiency and readability
  • Context: Working on a large-scale data processing project
  • Constraint: Tips should balance code performance with readability and team collaboration

Refer to OpenAI and LangChain for prompting techniques such as Zero-shot, A few Shot, Chain of Thought, Tree of Thought and many more.

Business strategy prompts

1. Blue Ocean Strategy

Prompt:"Apply the Blue Ocean Strategy to evaluate [my business decision]. Focus on creating uncontested market space rather than competing in existing industries."

2. Scenario Planning

Prompt:"Apply Scenario Planning to assess [my business decision]. Create different future scenarios and analyze how the decision performs in each to identify potential risks and opportunities."

3. The OODA Loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act)

Prompt:"Use the OODA Loop to evaluate [my business decision]. Cycle through observing the situation, orienting yourself, making a decision, and taking action, then repeating as necessary."

4. Pre-Mortem Analysis

Prompt:"Utilize Pre-Mortem Analysis to assess [my business decision]. Imagine a future failure of the decision and work backward to identify potential causes and mitigation strategies."

5. Risk-Reward Analysis

Prompt:"Analyze [my business decision] through Risk-Reward Analysis. Evaluate the potential risks against the potential rewards to understand the balance and make an informed decision."

6. Cross-Functional Perspective

Prompt:"Evaluate [my business decision] with a Cross-Functional Perspective. Involve multiple departments or teams to ensure a comprehensive understanding of how the decision affects various aspects of the business."

7. Temporal Discounting

Prompt:"Use Temporal Discounting to analyze [my business decision]. Consider how the value of outcomes changes over time and how that might influence the decision-making process."

8. Resource-Based View

Prompt:"Apply the Resource-Based View to evaluate [my business decision]. Focus on leveraging the company's internal strengths and weaknesses in relation to external opportunities and threats."

9. Prospect Theory

Prompt:"Utilize Prospect Theory to assess [my business decision]. Understand how people perceive gains and losses and how that can influence decision-making."

10. The Eisenhower Matrix

Prompt:"Use the Eisenhower Matrix to evaluate [my business decision]. Categorize tasks or elements based on urgency and importance to prioritize effectively."

Prompt:"Apply Value Chain Analysis to evaluate [my business decision]. Examine all the activities performed by a company to create value and find opportunities for competitive advantage."

11. The Tipping Point

Prompt:"Analyze [my business decision] by considering The Tipping Point. Identify if you are near the threshold where a small change can lead to significant effects."

12. Six Thinking Hats

Prompt:"Evaluate [my business decision] through the Six Thinking Hats method. Analyze the decision from different perspectives such as logical, emotional, cautious, creative, and more."

13. Social Proof

Prompt:"Assess [my business decision] by considering Social Proof. Understand how the influence of others in the market or industry may affect the success or failure of the decision."

14. The Pygmalion Effect

Prompt:"Apply the Pygmalion Effect to analyze [my business decision]. Recognize how expectations can influence outcomes, both positively and negatively."

15. Heuristics and Decision Trees

Prompt:"Evaluate [my business decision] using Heuristics and Decision Trees. Create simplified models to understand complex problems and find optimal paths."

16. Cynefin Framework

Prompt:"Utilize the Cynefin Framework to assess [my business decision]. Categorize the problem within domains such as simple, complicated, complex, and chaotic to choose the best approach."

17. Long Tail Strategy

Prompt:"Analyze [my business decision] focusing on the Long Tail Strategy. Consider how niche markets or products may contribute to overall success."

18. The Butterfly Effect

Prompt:"Evaluate [my business decision] while considering the Butterfly Effect. Recognize how small changes in one area can lead to significant impacts in others."

19. Cost-Benefit Analysis

Prompt:"Apply Cost-Benefit Analysis to assess [my business decision]. Analyze the expected balance of benefits and costs, including possible risk and uncertainties."

20. Double Loop Learning

Prompt:"Use Double Loop Learning to evaluate [my business decision]. Reflect not just on solutions, but on underlying assumptions and beliefs, encouraging adaptive learning."

21. Game Theory

Prompt:"Utilize Game Theory to analyze [my business decision]. Consider the interactions between different players and how they might respond to various strategies."

22. The Five Whys Technique

Prompt:"Utilize the Five Whys Technique to analyze [my business decision]. Ask 'why?' multiple times to get to the root cause of problems or challenges."

23. Value Chain Analysis

Prompt:"Apply Value Chain Analysis to evaluate [my business decision]. Examine all the activities performed by a company to create value and find opportunities for competitive advantage."

Marketing strategies prompts

1. Cost-Benefit Analysis

Prompt:"Use Viral Loop Strategy to assess [my business decision]. Construct a process where existing users help in recruiting new ones. How could this self-propagating loop enhance growth and conversion rates?"

2. Adaptive Leadership Framework

Prompt:"Apply the Adaptive Leadership Framework to [my business decision]. Focus on identifying adaptive challenges, regulating distress, and deploying yourself. How does this framework guide the decision-making process?"

3. Kano Model Analysis

Prompt:"Evaluate [my business decision] using the Kano Model Analysis. Prioritize customer needs into basic, performance, and excitement categories. How can satisfying these diverse needs lead to increased customer satisfaction?"

4. Reframing Business Perspectives

Prompt:"Apply Reframing Business Perspectives to analyze [my business decision]. Look at the problem from different angles, challenging the existing beliefs. What new insights and solutions can this process uncover?"

5. First Mover vs. Fast Follower Strategy

Prompt:"Utilize the First Mover vs. Fast Follower Strategy to evaluate [my business decision]. Assess the advantages of being an industry pioneer against the benefits of learning from other's experiences. What approach fits best with the business objectives?"

6. Service Blueprinting

Prompt:"Analyze [my business decision] with Service Blueprinting. Map out the service process visually, emphasizing the user interaction. How can this method ensure a coherent and effective service experience?"

7. Scalability Analysis

Prompt:"Evaluate [my business decision] through Scalability Analysis. Identify the ability of the system to handle increased load efficiently. How can understanding scalability influence future growth and sustainability?"

8. Ethical Decision Making

Prompt:"Utilize Ethical Decision Making to assess [my business decision]. Consider moral principles, societal norms, and business ethics. How can aligning with ethical standards foster trust and long-term success?"

9. Behavioral Economics Principles

Prompt:"Apply Behavioral Economics Principles to analyze [my business decision]. Consider how cognitive, emotional, and social factors affect economic decisions. How can leveraging these insights lead to more effective strategies?"

10. Multichannel Marketing Approach

Prompt:"Use the Multichannel Marketing Approach to evaluate [my business decision]. Develop a strategy that communicates through various channels cohesively. How can this unified approach enhance customer engagement?"

11. Scenario Stress Testing

Prompt:"Assess [my business decision] by applying Scenario Stress Testing. Create different stress scenarios to analyze how the decision withstands various pressures. What does this reveal about potential vulnerabilities and resilience?"

12. Customer Persona Building

Prompt:"Utilize Customer Persona Building to evaluate [my business decision]. Define specific customer archetypes with detailed attributes and needs. How can this tailored approach improve targeting and personalization?"

13. Responsive Web Design Implementation

Prompt:"Apply Responsive Web Design Implementation to [my business decision]. Assess how adapting the layout to various devices enhances user experience. How can this approach cater to a wider audience?"

14. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategy

Prompt:"Use SEO Strategy to analyze [my business decision]. Focus on improving online visibility through organic search engine results. What methods can be employed to drive more traffic and rank higher?"

15. Holacracy Organizational Structure

Prompt:"Evaluate [my business decision] using the Holacracy Organizational Structure. Implement a self-management practice that distributes authority. How can this structure foster agility and innovation within the company?"

16. Experience Curve Effects

Prompt:"Utilize Experience Curve Effects to assess [my business decision]. Consider how increased production can lead to cost advantages. How can leveraging this knowledge improve competitiveness?"

Marketing copywriting prompts

1. Website copy

  • I am creating a website for [product/service] and I need to write a web copy using the [PAS, BAB, AIDA copywriting framework, etc.] copywriting formula.
  • Create a [About Us page, Homepage, Contact page, Product/Service page, Blog page] for my business website. [Give details about your organization/business].
  • Write a CTA for this product/service to achieve the goal of [specify your goal]. The CTA should be interesting, direct, and include power words.

2. Product Descriptions

  • Give me X creative ways to describe [product name and category] that will set it apart from the competition.
  • Create engaging product description for [product name and category], emphasizing its affordability and value, and convincing [target audience] why it is the best choice for their needs.
  • Write a product description for [product name and category] in [specify tone] highlighting its unique features. [List features].

3. Ad Copy

  • Give me X variations of an X-word ad copy for [specify platform] targeting [target audience]. The ad is for [specify product/service].
  • Give me X variations of an ad copy in X-words for [specify platform] targeting the keywords [add keywords]. The ad is for [specify product/service].
  • Give me X variations of an ad copy in X-words for [specify platform] targeting [target audience], and encouraging them to [desired action]. The ad is for [specify product/service].

4. SEO Copy

  • You are an SEO copy editor. Craft a concise web page copy within X words, showcasing the distinctive features of [product]. Emphasize [product features] for maximum appeal to [target audience]. Seamlessly incorporate the keyword [keyword] throughout the content.
  • Create a brief persuasive piece encouraging [target audience] to acquire [product]. Integrate the call-to-action: [CTA], and infuse essential keywords like [Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3…].
  • Compose a product description of X words for [product], incorporating keywords like [keywords] while accentuating key features listed as [features list].

Logo creation prompts

Steps to create a logo:

  • Define company product/service or industry: Technology, Hospitality, Accounting, Financial Services, etc.
  • Select a Style: Minimalistic, Futuristic, Vintage or Retro, Hand-Drawn or Artistic, Corporate, Eco-Friendly or Natural, Luxury or Elegant, Bold and Colorful, Geometric, Abstract, Typography-Based, Cultural or Ethnic, Sporty or Athletic, Mascot, Tech or Digital. Or you can specify famous designer styles.
  • Add Letter or Names
  • Select background color


  • Create a logo for a software company with a lettermark of a letter “A”, logo, serif font, vector, Abstracts.
  • Create a logo for a motobike shop with a mascot logo of a dog, simple, vector.
  • Create a logo Emblem: An emblem for a motorcycle club, vector, simple, black and white.
  • A logo for an ice cream brand, simple, vector, Crystal Cubism.
  • A flat vector logo of an tiger, minimal, by Pablo Picasso.

Animal art prompts

  • A colorful twitter: “Create a visually stunning top view photograph::3 featuring a blue Twitter bird::3 soaring gracefully through the air, forming a spiral pattern in perfect harmony with the golden ratio::3. The composition highlights the bird’s fluid motion and the captivating geometry of the spiral::2, drawing the viewer’s eye into the image. The contrast between the bird’s vivid blue hue and the soft, harmonious background adds to the artistic and mesmerizing quality of the scene”.

  • Animal friends: “Create a macro photo of a little twitter bird sitting on the head of A large snow cat, Features: Fierce and adorable, Action: Dynamic, Jumping, Splashes of Snow, Type: Nature Photography, Light: Raking Light”.

  • Animal talk: “Create An adorable photograph capturing a playful interaction between a Doge puppy::3 and a blue Twitter bird::3, as if they are having a sweet conversation. The setting is an outdoor park::2, with a sunlit grassy area and trees in the background::1. The image evokes a heartwarming connection between the two, with the curious puppy tilting its head and the blue bird chirping happily”.

  • Holographic Peacock: “Create A hologram displaying a flying peacock , creative holography, laser holography, intricate detail, parallax, diffraction, ultra realistic”.

  • Kid and animal: “Create A heartwarming and tender photograph::3 of an unlikely friendship between a curious lion ::3 and a baby::3, sitting peacefully side by side. The image captures the innocence and trust between these two creatures, usually seen as predator and prey::2, defying the laws of nature as they share a serene moment together. The photograph exudes warmth and love, inspiring hope for harmony among all living beings.

  • Snow Leopard: “Create A large snow leopard, Features: Fierce and adorable, Action: Dynamic, Jumping, Splashes of Snow, Type: Nature Photography, Light: Raking Light”

  • Snake: “Create A riveting and intense photograph::3 capturing the split-second moment when a vibrant green snake::3 strikes at its prey, a rat::3. The image showcases the snake’s precise and lightning-fast movements::2 as it lunges toward the unsuspecting rat, embodying the raw power and stealth of this formidable predator. The tension and drama of the scene provide a glimpse into the unforgiving world of nature and the perpetual struggle for survival”.

  • Dog: “Create A close-up photo of a golden retriever looking up at the camera.”

  • Birds: “Make a macro-photography of the bird. Copsychus malabaricus(latin name of the bird), the details of the bird's photo are very clear, from the feathers, eyes, beak. the details are clearly visible. Background the forest with water droplets. pedro jaque krebs photography.”.

Nature art prompts

  • Human nature: “double-exposure effects, ultra-realistic image, harmonious blending of dreams and reality, father, mother and a child surrealism, nature, tree of life, apotheosis, 3D, hdr, 16k”.

  • Minimalist Art & Chinese Calligraphy: “Create a Minimalist black and white painting with Chinese calligraphy brush strokes. Scene in white and light gray, minimal black. Small figure with red umbrella emphasizes vast, open space. Artistic style conveys a spacious, serene journey”.

  • Water drop: “Create a high definition image of raining scenery where a mice is under a flower soaking wet in a crystal style art mice is looking up the rain drops from the colorful daisy flower petals with black background”.

  • Elf in snow: “Create a high definition close up image of snowy scenery where an elf is under a flower soaking icicle in a frozen style art elf is looking down to the snowy ground with black background's cold in germany!”.

  • Peaceful meadow: “Draw a peaceful meadow with lush green grass, wildflowers swaying in a gentle breeze. The meadow is embraced by majestic mountains standing tall on all sides, their peaks touching the sky. The scene exudes tranquility with a sense of natural beauty and serenity.“

  • Colossal cavern: “Create this image: From the entrance of a colossal cavern, the view opens up to an underground city lit by a soft, golden hue from a massive crystal acting as a natural skylight. On the right side, the city's architecture is dominated by stark, geometric, brutalist-style buildings with terraces and the majority of living spaces. The left side and the rest of the cavern walls up to the middle are covered in lush vegetation. Along the river banks, more greenery flourishes, enhancing the natural beauty. On the river, an ellipsoidal transport boat moves gracefully, adding a touch of modernity to the ancient surroundings. The scene is a contrast between the organic flow of nature and the imposing, structured brutalist architecture, all under the warm glow of the crystal above”

  • Mountains and lakes: “A wide-angle landscape photograph with a varied composition of mountains, trees, and lakes during sunrise. In the foreground, there are distinct evergreen trees and deciduous trees with detailed leaves, creating a diverse natural scene. Several lakes reflect the morning light, adding to the serene atmosphere. Soft mist partly obscures the middle ground, while the background mountains, with visible snow caps, rise majestically. The sky above transitions from a warm, gentle yellow to a peaceful light blue, indicating the break of dawn. The overall color scheme includes deep forest greens, earthy browns, blues, purples, pinks, and soft yellow tones from the sunrise”.

Human art prompts

  • Street style: ““Create a cinematic realism image. A close-up of a woman standing on the street in golden hour backlight. Warm color palette with natural light. Realistic with cinematic photography”.

  • Lost in thought: “Create an analog candid photo of a young man lost in thought. Urban photography with 90's film grain, taken with a DSLR at f1.8. Work of a great photographer”.

  • Selfie: “A selfie photo of an average young man in the streets. Photorealism”.

  • Young and Fun: “Create an image of three 25 year old girls in contemporary white night dress, wet clothes effect water, random hair, playing in the river water in a mountain valley, 4k, ultra realistic, highly detailed, laughing happily splashing each other”.

  • Samurai: “Create image of a Japanese samurai, outside of the figure fighting, dressed in armor, the face of the figure visible - full of fury, long hair dynamically arranged, ultra-realistic level of detail of the figure, high realism, HD resolution, 16:9 aspect ratio in the background landscape of a Japanese medieval castle, photorealism, Try to add the maximum amount of detail in the depicted image“

  • Children: “Create an image of a two childs playing in the mud with piglets, raining, joyful face, blur background, photography”

  • Close-up portrait: “Create a high definition highly realistic human portrait of a very close up face of angelina joie look a like facing a bit on her left side facial skin is hyperdetailed realistic skin adorned with natural subtle freckles that catch the light creating an effect similar to subtle glitter the lighting is dramatic with a split color scheme one side of her face is illuminated with a cool blue light and the other side with a warm orange light giving subtle contemporary style facial expression is natural serene confident with soft facial features she is wearing modern minimalistic jewelry and a soft material headwrap as stylish appearance high contrast look with a focus on detailed texture interplay of cool and warm lighting 8k”.

  • Social media theme: “Facebook profile page with user name "your name" on 3D card in office, "your name" is a beautiful influencer girl wearing hoodie with word "neveragain", sitting on sofa in front of that card, 3D animation”.

Sample questions for AI Assistants

Supply Chain AI Assistants:

  • Financial Analytics Assistant: upload financial data, and ask questions.

    • Cost Breakdown: "Give me a detailed breakdown of all costs involved offered by vendor Y? This includes any additional fees that might be incurred during implementation or post-implementation"

    • Risk and Resilience: "Does Vendor X's proposal include any strategies for supply chain risk management and resilience?"

    • Price volatility: "What are the policies of Vendor Z regarding price volatility?"

    • Meeting requirements: "What details has Vendor Y provided to justify that their proposal meets the technical requirement [insert specific requirement here]?"

    • Data Security and Compliance: "What measures does vendor Z take to ensure data security and privacy?"

    • Termination Clauses: "What are the terms for vendor Z contract termination? Are there any penalties or costs involved?"

    • Innovation and Future Roadmap: "Give me insights on vendor Y’s investment in innovation and their product roadmap for the next few years?" Does any candidate have Python and React skills?

  • Annual Report Assistant: upload annual reports, and ask questions.

    • "What specific services are included in the scope of this agreement?"

    • "How is the pricing structured, and what are the payment terms?"

    • "What is the duration of this contract, and under what conditions can it be terminated?"

    • "What are the delivery timelines for the services provided?"

    • "How will the provider's performance be measured and reported?"

    • "What measures are in place for confidentiality and data security?"

    • "How does the contract address liability and risk management?"

    • "What are the procedures for dispute resolution?"

    • "Does this contract ensure compliance with relevant laws and industry standards?"

Financials AI Assistants:

  • Vendor Selection Assistant: upload vendor proposals or quotations, and ask questions.

    • Plot total Sales month.

    • Plot correlation between Sales and Marketing expense.

    • Plot gross margin by business unit.

    • Plot Current ratio by year based on current assets and current liabilities .

    • Plot trends in return on assets based on Net Income and Current Assets.

    • List top 10 regions with highest gross margin in Business Unit AAnalyze consumer sentiments and provide insights, detailing the percentages of positive, neutral, and negative feedback on the product.

    • Features are most liked by consumers, and why?

  • Contract Analysis Assistant: upload commercial agreements, and ask questions.

    • How did the company perform in 2022 compared to previous years?

    • What risks is the company facing? How do they manage these risks?

    • What growth strategies does the company have?

    • Analyze trends in the company's profitability ratio based on its revenue and profits in 2022 and previous years.

    • Analyze trends in the company's Return on Equity (ROE) based on its Net Profit After Tax and Total Equity in 2022 and previous years.


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